Thursday, April 23, 2020

12 Smart Home Devices

Here are 12 Smart Home Devices that will help sell your home!
1. Smart Speakers – Need a personal assistant at home? Ask it questions, schedule reminders and a lot more!
2. Smart Plugs – Sync a smart plug with your smart phone to turn on or off any plug-in devices remotely.
3. Smart Locks – Forget your keys? No problem! Use a code to get in or unlock your door from your smart phone.
4. Smart Switches – Forget to turn the light off? Turn lights on or off from your smartphone with a smart switch.
5. Smart Bulbs – Want to add some color to your room? Smart bulbs can adjust to any color and brightness from your smartphone.
6. Smart Doorbell – Find out who rang your doorbell or stole your Amazon package with a smart doorbell.
7. DIY Home Security – Monitor your home from your smart phone. If someone breaks in you will find out immediately!
8. Smart Appliances – Smart appliances such as refrigerators, washers, dryers and stoves tend to be more energy efficient.
9. Smart Thermostats – control the temperature of your home from your smartphone to help lower your electric bill.
10. Heated Floors – Keep your feet nice and warm during the winter with heated floors!
11. Smart Toilets – The #1 way to go #1 or #2 and to conserve water.
12. Smart Curtains – Open your blinds without getting out of bed using your smartphone!

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