Monday, October 21, 2019

What Is a Comparative Market Analysis The CMA Explained By Audrey Ference

A home’s price is a moving target—based on where it is, when it’s listed for sale, whether it has that trendy open kitchen, all of it. So if you’re tasked with pricing your own home before putting it on the market, how do you figure out how much your place is worth?

A comparative market analysis estimates a home’s value based on the recent sales of similar real estate in the area.

Real estate agents create CMAs by looking at comparables, or comps—recently sold properties that are similar to your own home (or, if you’re a home buyer, the one you want to make an offer on). Similarity is key, since it gets you closest to an apples-to-apples comparison.

Comparable homes should be in the same or similar neighborhood, have similar square footage, number of bedrooms, bathrooms, features, and upgrades. It’s also important to make sure your CMA analyzes recent sales.

Another rookie mistake? Looking at listing prices on homes and assuming those are realistic comps. Those numbers may be inflated based on home sellers’ hopes of what they’ll get rather than reality.

While online home value calculators are a great starting point, they aren’t the end all, be all. Like any fully automated tool, they can’t take everything into consideration that a human could. A good Realtor knows the neighborhoods and the comps to your home.

Some market knowledge is harder to DIY. Every area will have different things that are desirable, and upgrades and extras will be worth more in some areas than others.

For more information on the subject ofComparable Market Anaysis go to

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