Saturday, October 5, 2019

How Touring Open Houses Helped Me See My Own Home in a Whole New Light By Jillian Pretzel Aug 14 2019

Want to learn how to sell your house? Simple: Put on your buyer hat and tour a bunch of homes for sale in your area.

Walk through two identical homes and see the difference. Good staging could offer a huge advantage.  Before you move everything out,  it is important to keep at least some of the best things. Buyers will have a hard time picturing eating their meals at a table they can’t see, or imagining falling asleep in a bedroom without a cozy-looking bed.

Walking into an open house, it can be hard not to look at the owner’s sense of style before anything else.  You may be unpleasantly distracted by an outdated dining room table, or gaudy light fixtures.  

Once you start looking at modern, expertly designed homes, you may notice that none of your furniture really went together and that the accent wall you love so much is a bit outdated.

Kitchen cabinets and bathroom vanities wouldn’t cost too much to update, and when the time comes to sell, buyers would be more willing to pay top dollar with those updates—so they are worth the added expense.

Look out in the yard.  Is the patio furniture inviting or beat up?  Is it worth having to show potential buyers?

An hour of your time looking at Open Houses may provide you with the right ideas to make your home more inviting and sell for more money.  For the whole story on why you would want to go to Open Houses go to

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